The meaning behind our brand name and how to improve your personal Ethicuette
No, it is not a spelling mistake. It is actually written "Ethicuette" :)
And you got it right: Ethicuette is a portmanteau coined with Ethics and Etiquette.
But there is more to it than meets the eye.
Lets first explain the terms Ethics and Etiquette.
Ethics is defined as moral principles that govern a person's behaviour. It is a branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.
Etiquette is defined as the customary code of polite behaviour in society. Its origin is in old French word Estiquette, which, among other things, means a label attached to a retail product, giving its price, size, and other details. Most languages today have the word "etiketa" which means a laundry tag on clothes.
Ethics and Etiquette together, form the Ethicuette!
So, Ethicuette is both the customary code of ethical behaviour in the ecosystem and an ethical retail label.
People are not born knowing how to behave in the ecosystem, so, as with everything else, there is a learning curve.
If you want to improve your personal Ethicuette, go for sustainable fashion, always read the label, and then choose not to buy plastic, especially single-use plastic, especially microplastics.